A universal prayer for a rich and good life

"Thanks for everything.

I want better."

This is not a religious pray. More like asking more better things from the universe which you are part of, too. Ask from it as how you want to asked from you. Repeat this whenever you want. 

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Friday, May 26, 2023

Why do hippies love Shamanism?


Hippies, as a countercultural movement that emerged in the 1960s, embraced a wide range of beliefs and practices, including an affinity for shamanism. It's important to note that not all hippies were necessarily interested in or drawn to shamanism, as individuals within any movement can have varied interests and beliefs. However, there are a few reasons why some hippies were attracted to shamanism:

1 - Spiritual Exploration: Hippies were often seeking alternative spiritual experiences that went beyond traditional religious institutions. They sought a more personal and direct connection with spirituality, and shamanism offered a different approach to understanding the world and one's place in it.

2 - Nature Connection: Shamanism emphasizes a deep connection to nature and the belief that all living beings are interconnected. This resonated with hippies who celebrated nature and advocated for environmental protection and a return to a simpler, more sustainable way of life.

3 - Altered States of Consciousness: Shamanic practices often involve altered states of consciousness, such as through drumming, chanting, or the use of entheogens (psychedelic substances). Hippies were known for their interest in exploring consciousness and expanding their minds, and shamanic techniques aligned with their desire to explore different states of perception.

4 - Community and Communal Living: Hippie culture emphasized communal living and the importance of a close-knit community. Similarly, shamanic traditions often revolve around community rituals and gatherings, where people come together to connect spiritually and support one another. This shared emphasis on community and collective experiences may have contributed to the appeal of shamanism for some hippies.

5 - Rejection of Mainstream Culture: Hippies sought alternatives to mainstream society and its values, often questioning established norms and seeking unconventional lifestyles. Shamanism, with its ancient and indigenous roots, represented a departure from the dominant Western cultural paradigm and offered an alternative worldview that challenged societal conventions.

It's worth noting that the hippie movement and its relationship with shamanism are complex and multifaceted, with variations among individuals and subgroups. The reasons mentioned above provide a general understanding of why some hippies were drawn to shamanism, but individual motivations and beliefs may vary.