A universal prayer for a rich and good life

"Thanks for everything.

I want better."

This is not a religious pray. More like asking more better things from the universe which you are part of, too. Ask from it as how you want to asked from you. Repeat this whenever you want. 

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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Krishna and why is he important for money and wealth?

Krishna is a highly revered figure in Hinduism and is considered an avatar (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu, who is considered the preserver and protector of the universe. While Krishna holds great spiritual significance and is revered for various reasons, it is important to note that he is not directly associated with money or material wealth in the traditional Hindu scriptures.

In Hindu mythology, Krishna is known for his teachings on life, spirituality, and devotion. He is considered the supreme teacher and philosopher, imparting wisdom through his conversations with Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Hindu scripture. The Bhagavad Gita teaches important life lessons such as duty, righteousness, selflessness, and the path to spiritual liberation.

While Krishna's teachings encompass various aspects of life, including wealth and prosperity, they focus more on inner wealth, spiritual growth, and contentment. Krishna encourages his followers to perform their duties selflessly and with dedication, without being attached to the outcomes. The emphasis is on leading a balanced life, where material wealth is not the sole focus but rather an outcome of righteous actions and devotion.

In some devotional practices, people may seek the blessings of Krishna for prosperity and abundance, believing that by connecting with his divine energy, they can overcome financial obstacles and achieve success. However, it is important to understand that this is more of a cultural and personal interpretation rather than a direct association with Krishna's teachings.

Ultimately, Krishna's importance lies in his role as a spiritual guide, his teachings on righteousness and selflessness, and his embodiment of divine love and compassion. While wealth and richness may be a part of a person's life, Krishna's teachings encompass a broader understanding of prosperity, emphasizing spiritual growth, contentment, and the pursuit of a righteous and virtuous life.

Who is Krishna and how to worship him in spirit and in truth?

Krishna is a central figure in Hinduism and is considered a divine avatar or incarnation of Lord Vishnu, one of the principal deities in Hindu mythology. He is revered as a teacher, philosopher, and spiritual guide. Krishna's life and teachings are primarily documented in the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata, particularly in the section known as the Bhagavad Gita.

To worship Krishna in spirit and in truth, one can follow various practices that are part of the devotional tradition of bhakti yoga in Hinduism. Here are some key aspects of worshiping Krishna:

1 - Study and contemplation: Begin by studying the life and teachings of Krishna as described in texts like the Bhagavad Gita, the Srimad Bhagavatam, and other sacred scriptures. Reflect on his teachings and understand the principles he emphasized, such as love, devotion, and selfless action.

2 - Bhakti (devotion): Develop a deep sense of devotion and love for Krishna. Engage in devotional practices like chanting his holy names, such as the Hare Krishna mantra ("Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare; Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare"). Singing or listening to bhajans (devotional songs) dedicated to Krishna is also a common practice.

3 - Puja (ritual worship): Perform puja ceremonies to worship Krishna. This involves creating a sacred space or altar with an image or deity representing Krishna. Offerings of flowers, fruits, incense, and lamps can be made while reciting prayers or mantras. The specific rituals may vary depending on personal or regional traditions.

4 - Seva (service): Engage in acts of selfless service as a way to honor Krishna. This can include volunteering at temples, helping the needy, or supporting charitable organizations dedicated to humanitarian causes.

5 - Meditation and yoga: Incorporate meditation and yoga into your spiritual practice to still the mind, cultivate inner peace, and develop a deeper connection with Krishna. Some practitioners focus on visualizing Krishna during meditation or contemplate his divine qualities.

6 - Moral and ethical living: Strive to embody the teachings of Krishna in your daily life. Practice honesty, compassion, forgiveness, and selflessness. Lead a virtuous life and treat others with kindness and respect.

The path of worshiping Krishna is deeply personal, and individual approaches may vary. It is essential to find a practice that resonates with you and brings you closer to a genuine connection with Krishna. Seeking guidance from knowledgeable teachers, joining spiritual communities, or visiting Krishna temples can also provide additional support and opportunities for deepening your devotion.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Why do hippies love Shamanism?


Hippies, as a countercultural movement that emerged in the 1960s, embraced a wide range of beliefs and practices, including an affinity for shamanism. It's important to note that not all hippies were necessarily interested in or drawn to shamanism, as individuals within any movement can have varied interests and beliefs. However, there are a few reasons why some hippies were attracted to shamanism:

1 - Spiritual Exploration: Hippies were often seeking alternative spiritual experiences that went beyond traditional religious institutions. They sought a more personal and direct connection with spirituality, and shamanism offered a different approach to understanding the world and one's place in it.

2 - Nature Connection: Shamanism emphasizes a deep connection to nature and the belief that all living beings are interconnected. This resonated with hippies who celebrated nature and advocated for environmental protection and a return to a simpler, more sustainable way of life.

3 - Altered States of Consciousness: Shamanic practices often involve altered states of consciousness, such as through drumming, chanting, or the use of entheogens (psychedelic substances). Hippies were known for their interest in exploring consciousness and expanding their minds, and shamanic techniques aligned with their desire to explore different states of perception.

4 - Community and Communal Living: Hippie culture emphasized communal living and the importance of a close-knit community. Similarly, shamanic traditions often revolve around community rituals and gatherings, where people come together to connect spiritually and support one another. This shared emphasis on community and collective experiences may have contributed to the appeal of shamanism for some hippies.

5 - Rejection of Mainstream Culture: Hippies sought alternatives to mainstream society and its values, often questioning established norms and seeking unconventional lifestyles. Shamanism, with its ancient and indigenous roots, represented a departure from the dominant Western cultural paradigm and offered an alternative worldview that challenged societal conventions.

It's worth noting that the hippie movement and its relationship with shamanism are complex and multifaceted, with variations among individuals and subgroups. The reasons mentioned above provide a general understanding of why some hippies were drawn to shamanism, but individual motivations and beliefs may vary.

What is Shamanism and how to pray?

Shamanism is a spiritual and religious practice that dates back thousands of years and is found in various cultures around the world. It involves individuals, known as shamans, who serve as intermediaries between the human and spirit realms. Shamans are believed to have the ability to communicate with spirits, heal the sick, perform rituals, and provide guidance and wisdom to their communities.

The specific practices and beliefs of shamanism can vary widely depending on the cultural context in which it is found. However, at its core, shamanism typically involves connecting with the spiritual world, seeking guidance, and maintaining a harmonious relationship with nature and the cosmos.

Prayer is an integral part of many shamanic traditions. While the exact methods and rituals may differ, prayer in shamanism generally involves the following elements:

1 - Sacred Space: Create a sacred and quiet space where you can focus and feel connected to the spiritual realm. This can be a designated area in your home or a natural setting in nature.

2 - Intention: Set your intention and purpose for the prayer. Clearly state what you seek or what you wish to communicate with the spirits or divine forces.

3 - Rituals and Offerings: Use rituals and offerings to honor and connect with the spiritual realm. This may involve lighting candles, burning incense, using sacred objects, or offering food, herbs, or other symbolic items.

4 - Invocation: Invoke the presence of the spirits, deities, or guides that you wish to connect with. This can be done through spoken words, chants, or specific prayers associated with your tradition.

5 - Communication and Listening: Express your prayers, desires, gratitude, or requests to the spiritual beings. It is important to speak from the heart and with sincerity. Afterward, take time to listen, meditate, or be receptive to any messages or guidance you may receive.

6 - Closing and Gratitude: Conclude your prayer by expressing gratitude for the connection and any blessings or guidance received. Thank the spirits or deities for their presence and assistance.

It's worth noting that shamanism is a diverse and complex spiritual practice, and the specific details and rituals may vary widely depending on the cultural and regional traditions. It's essential to respect and honor the specific practices and beliefs of the shamanic tradition you are exploring or engaging with.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

What is Batuque and how to pray?

Batuque is a Afro-Brazilian religious tradition and cultural practice that originated in the northeastern region of Brazil, particularly in the state of Maranhão. It is a syncretic religion that combines elements of African animism, indigenous beliefs, and Catholicism. Batuque is also known by other names such as Tambor de Mina or simply Mina.

In Batuque, prayer is an essential component of religious rituals and ceremonies. The prayers in Batuque are often performed collectively by a group of practitioners, known as "filhos de santo" or "children of the saint," who are initiated into the religious tradition. These prayers are intended to communicate with and invoke the spirits or deities known as "orixás," which are central to Batuque.

Here are some general guidelines on how to pray in Batuque:

1 - Set up an altar: Create a sacred space by setting up an altar dedicated to the orixás. The altar typically includes images or representations of the orixás, candles, flowers, and other symbolic items.

2 - Cleanse and purify: Before beginning the prayer, it is common to cleanse and purify oneself. This can be done through ritual baths or other purification practices.

3 - Invoke the orixás: Begin the prayer by invoking the orixás you wish to communicate with. Each orixá has specific attributes and qualities, so it is important to address them accordingly.

4 - Offerings and offerings: Offerings play a significant role in Batuque prayers. They can include fruits, flowers, food, water, and other items believed to please the orixás. Offerings are usually placed on the altar or at designated sacred spaces.

5 - Singing and drumming: Music and rhythm are integral parts of Batuque prayers. Singing and drumming are used to create a vibrant atmosphere and to invoke the presence of the orixás.

6 - Dance and movement: Physical expression, such as dance and movement, is also common during Batuque prayers. It is believed to facilitate a connection with the spiritual realm and the orixás.

7 - Prayer requests: Express your intentions, needs, and desires to the orixás. This is a time to ask for guidance, protection, healing, or any other form of spiritual assistance.

8 - Gratitude and closing: Conclude the prayer by expressing gratitude to the orixás for their presence and blessings. You can also offer thanks for any guidance or support received.

It's important to note that Batuque is a complex and diverse religious tradition, and practices may vary among different communities and lineages. If you're interested in exploring Batuque further, it is advisable to seek guidance from a knowledgeable practitioner or join a local community to learn more about their specific practices and rituals.

Native prayer for future

 Here's a prayer for the future inspired by Native American spirituality:

Great Spirit,

Guardian of all creation,

We come before you with humble hearts,

Seeking guidance for the days to come.

We pray for a future filled with harmony,

Where all beings walk hand in hand,

In respect and understanding of one another,

Honoring the sacred web of life.

Grant us the wisdom to make choices,

That nourish the earth and its creatures,

So that future generations may thrive,

And inherit a world of beauty and abundance.

Guide our leaders to govern with integrity,

Making decisions that prioritize the well-being,

Of every person, every community, and every nation,

Balancing progress with preservation.

Help us heal the wounds of the past,

And build bridges of reconciliation,

Uniting us in the spirit of forgiveness,

So that together, we may move forward.

Grant us the courage to stand for justice,

To protect the rights of the oppressed,

And to ensure equality and dignity for all,

No matter their race, gender, or background.

May we walk gently upon the earth,

With gratitude for its bountiful gifts,

And may we always remember our connection,

To the land, the waters, and the skies above.

Great Spirit, we offer this prayer to you,

With hope and trust in the power of love,

May your blessings guide us into the future,

And may we walk together in peace and harmony.
